Lukas Beck
©Festival Transart/Gregor Khuen Belasi

Archive: Transart 20


Die Knödel

18:00 - 19:30

Vigilius Mountain Resort

39011 Lana





We can marvel here – after a break of 17 years – at the sonorous reunion of a band which made waves worldwide in the 1990s. The octet used wind, string and plucked instruments to marry Alpine folk music with Stravinsky, Weill or Rota – this is more or less how it was described back then. In any case, the musicians thought well outside of the box (of dumplings). Since then, they have enjoyed international careers in both early and contemporary music. Christof Dienz, their musical mastermind, called them into the studio several months ago. Everyone came. The author Felix Mitterer, known for his stage plays and film scripts, describes the result thus:

“This music is like a dream I once had in Ireland. (The day was already dawning, the shutters were closed). A wave, slowly pulsating, suffused my body, soft and cool, more soothing than anything ever before, somehow blue, phosphorescent – and I took off, into infinity.”

Catherine Aglibut, violin
Margret Köll, triple harp
Alexandra Dienz, double bass
Michael Öttl, guitar
Walter Seebacher, clarinet & dulcimer
Andreas Lackner, trumpet & flugelhorn & dulcimer & chimes
Charlie Fischer, haimophone & Hölzernes Glachter & wine bottles & dulcimer & chimes & drum set
Christof Dienz, bassoon & zither

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