Archive: Transart 16

La Mode (SOLD OUT!)


Teatro Comunale

Piazza Verdi 40
39100 Bolzano



15 € | 10 €



La Mode


Tomoko Mukaiyama > La Mode > 60 min
Spellbound Contemporary Ballet 
Tomoko Mukaiyama > Concept & artistic direction
Dunja Jocic in cooperation with Spellbound dancers  > Choreography
Alessandra Chirulli, Luca Cacitti > Choreographic assistants
Tomoko Mukaiyama  > Piano
Spellbound Contemporary Ballet, Sarah Murphy  > Dance
Yannis Kyriakides  > Music
Slavna Martinovic  > Costume design
Toyo Ito & Associates, Architects + Yoko Ando  > Set design
Tanja Ruehl > Light design
Yutaka Endo / LUFTZUG  > Technical director 
Yuji Tsutsumida / WHITELIGHT > Light & sound engineer
Tomoko Mukaiyama Foundation > Producer
Spellbound Contemporary Ballet (IT), National Taichung Theater (TW)  > Coproducers 
Dance New Air (JP)  > Associated coproducer
Transart Festival (IT) > Partner
Fonds Podiumkunsten, Stichting Ammodo > Support
Special thanks to Multus, BIGI, Ambassade van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden in Tokyo. Speaker system supported by Taguchi.


La Mode sheds new light on fashion’s effects, both on individuals and on society as a whole. The performance explores power, sex, desire, self-expression and the social codes around fashion. The audience gets to see fashion for what it is: a pure power game. Rather than by verbal analysis or focusing on the subjective interpretation of one’s own clothing, the audience experiences how trends and the delusions of the day turn fashion into a phenomenon you can look at critically. The fashion victim is stripped to his complex/superficial core. We can laugh and feel with him – and with ourselves. Because voluntarily or involuntarily we all are followers of fashion; we, too, stand exposed. It is a confronting experience but also a liberating one.

Tomoko Mukaiyama is a Dutch-Japanese performer, visual artist and concert pianist. As a pianist she adds new dimensions to the concert space by integrating performance, installation art and fashion. This multimodal artist creates offbeat contemporary art projects that push the boundaries of the classical music domain.





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'La mode' supported by